Our Volunteers

Todd Kennedy
Meet Todd Kennedy, a member of our New Brunswick Advisory Committee
Growing up, fishing was always a big part of Kennedy’s life. His father was a schoolteacher and during his summers off from work father and son would spend much of their time fishing on the Restigouche River.
“Our first house was right along the banks of the Restigouche, we were pretty well born into it,” said Kennedy.
So it’s very meaningful for him not only to take his own sons fishing on that same river but also to work there. He is the manager of the Restigouche Salmon Club, a private fishing camp where he had previously worked several summers as a student.
“When the previous manager approached me to see if I’d be willing to come back and take over when he retired, it was a pretty easy decision to come home. We get to raise our kids with their grandparents – my parents still have a house on the river. I can see the river when I look out my front window.”
Three years ago, Kennedy was approached to see if he would be interested in volunteering with the FCAS. Given his personal and professional connections to the river, it was another easy decision to make.
“Hopefully fish stocks and global warming don’t retire me from the Restigouche River. The things that we’ve helped get done with the funding will hopefully allow us to bring some of the fish stocks back to where they were and to stop some of the effects of global warming. The rivers just seem to be getting warmer and warmer. The work that is being done is very important.”
That important work is being done by many smaller organizations that operate within watersheds in the region. Those organizations depend on FCAS funding to accomplish their goals.
“In every river and every tributary in the watersheds within New Brunswick, I think that any little project that can be done to help Atlantic salmon is worthwhile.”
He’s also greatly enjoy making connections with the other members of the New Brunswick advisory board – like-minded people who are also interested in helping the future of Atlantic salmon.
“You get to know them on a personal level, it’s been good. Everyone is there for the same reason. We get together once a year, though the last two years we haven’t been able to because of COVID-19. But I think we still have a good time, even on the web-chats. We really enjoy each other’s company.”