Salmon Hub: Habitat Restoration
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Understanding the specific needs is crucial for the success of your project. Watershed planning will ensure that restoration activities are effective and that human and financial resources are used wisely. It is important to check which restoration techniques are suitable for your site and how these techniques can be properly applied.
Develop Habitat Conservation Plans and Restoration for Rivers in Bay St. George 2019 Bay St. George South Area Development Association
Results of 2021 coldwater temperature monitoring and recommendations for future coldwater habitat enhancement measures Cheticamp River Salmon Association
Coldwater monitoring + recommendation for future coldwater enhancement work
Stream Habitat Restoration Guidelines
Stream Habitat Restoration Guidelines
Guidance for Stream Restoration
DFO’s Ecological Restoration of Degraded Aquatic Habitats: A Watershed Approach
Qualitative Implementation and Effectiveness Monitoring of Fisheries Habitat
Restoration of a Riverine Salmon Habitat: A Guidance Manual by APEM Ltd.
Restoring Salmonid Aquatic/Riparian Habitat: A Strategic Plan for the Downeast Maine DPS Rivers
Clean Annapolis River Project – How you can help