Projects Directory
Wallace River Management Plan
Description: In 2024, the North Colchester Rivers Restoration Association (NCRAA) will be focused on implementing the Wallace River watershed management plan. Habitat assessments were completed during 2023 to identify potential restoration sites within the Wallace River watershed. Two suitable restoration sites were selected for immediate habitat restoration. These two sites are the Drennan Brook and neighbouring Crowley Brook. With watershed sizes of 12.5 square kilometers and 34.5 square kilometers respectively these two streams are well within the thresholds for being suitable for restoration work that can be completed using hand-tools by a crew of trained restoration technicians. Other factors were used in assessing the potential of these streams which include:
(1) no existing downstream barriers;
(2) suitable bottom substrate such as cobble and gravel;
(3) landowner permission for site access and buy-in on proposed restoration plan; and
(4) streambed slope between 1 and 3 percent.
NCRRA plans to install 22 instream structures if they are considered necessary when the assessment is complete. When the project is complete, it is the goal of NCRRA to have restored 7,546 m2 of instream habitat.
NCRRA will also carry out community engagement through the use of volunteers. This will lead to an increase in public awareness of the importance of Atlantic salmon conservation and habitat restoration.