Projects Directory
Undertaking a Survey on Atlantic Salmon Population and Habitat in Bouctouche and Cocagne Watersheds.
Southeastern Anglers Association along with its partners (Department of Fisheries and Oceans and Bouctouche First Nation) will survey the Atlantic salmon populations in the Bouctouche and Cocagne watersheds. Various sites that have already been identified as good salmon habitat will be surveyed. The data obtained, along with DFO’s past records, would allow identification of where salmon stocking is needed. If stocking is deemed necessary, SAA’s stewardship plan to restore Atlantic salmon habitat and populations, along with the actions described within it, will be updated. Those actions will then be implemented in future years. SAA plans on restoring salmon populations in the proposed watersheds via use of incubators. The process consists of extracting eggs from captured salmon, hatching the eggs at a hatchery, and stocking the watercourse the following year. Electrofishing certification will also be acquired to allow SAA to proceed with the survey.
Contact: Darlene Elward, 506-576-2118,