Projects Directory
The West River Acid Mitigation Project
Description: In 2024, the Nova Scotia Salmon Association (NSSA) will continue their Atlantic salmon smolt estimation and fall redd count to assess the impact of their restoration activities on the West River and to implement high priority restoration work identified in the newly developed West River Watershed Steward Plan.
Since 2005, the West River Acid Mitigation Project has been mitigating the impacts of acid rain and, resultantly, increasing the annual production of wild Atlantic salmon smolts by more than 300%. The West River is a regional model for the restoration of acid-stressed rivers that is being incorporated into strategic plans for other acidified priority watersheds.
NSSA requires defensible and scientifically-sound monitoring data to assess the impact of restoration activities. The funding received from FCAS enables continued support of: (a) the spring smolt estimation program, and the fall redd count program.
While acid rain mitigation remains the highest priority for Atlantic salmon recovery in the watershed, addressing thermal limitations in targeted areas is also important. Areas of lower riparian scores but otherwise adequate conditions will be targeted for on-the-ground assessments, followed by riparian planting of native species to create treed buffers for shade, reduced sedimentation, and improved productivity (leaf litter and aquatic invertebrates). These assessments and riparian area restoration will address top priorities identified in NSSA’s WSP plan.