Projects Directory

The Recovery of Endangered Inner Bay of Fundy Atlantic Salmon to Historic Salmon Rivers Withing the Petitcodiac Watershed

Recipient: Fort Folly Habitat Recovery
Approved Amount: $36,000
Year Approved: 2024

Description: The Fort Folly Habitat Recovery Program will undertake the following activities in 2024.

  • Conduct LGB unfed fry releases into nursery habitat of the Petitcodiac Watershed
  • Release FSR adult salmon into the Petitcodiac.
  • Install, monitor, and implement a mark-recapture protocol using a rotary screw trap and fyke nets targeting out-migrating salmon smolts in the Pollett River.
  • Collect and transport smolt to FSR marine conservation farm.
  • Maintain adult salmon detection via antenna arrays on the Pollett and Little Rivers.
  • Complete juvenile salmon assessments via electro-fishing of historical sites in the Petitcodiac Watershed.
  • Conduct exploratory salmon density assessments on tributaries of the Pollett River to track FSR program success.
  • Conduct adult salmon enumeration snorkel surveys.
  • Collect fall parr for overwintering at MBF.

All activities contribute to the continuing strategy of realizing a higher presence, at all life stages, of endangered iBoF Atlantic salmon in the Petitcodiac River watershed, working towards the objective of returning the population to historic levels.