Projects Directory
Rebuilding stocks, monitoring and public engagement benefiting endangered IBOF Atlantic salmon restoration to the Petitcodiac River system
The objectives of the project are to achieve larger levels of increasingly fit iBoF salmon inputs to the Petitcodiac, building momentum & biomass towards the long-term goal of restoring historic numbers of salmon to the Petitcodiac River watershed.
Project activities (inputs);
• Live Gene Bank (LGB) un-fed fry releases
• Collect & transport wild smolt to Dark Harbour FSR site
• Release Fundy Salmon Recovery (FSR) marine reared adults
• Release Mactaquac Biodiversity Facility (MBF) LGB adult salmon
• Collect & transport fall parr to MBF for over wintering
Project assessments activities (scientific monitoring);
• Deployment of PIT antenna to record out-migrating & returning adults
• PIT tag & tissue sample adult salmon at FSR site to be returned to Petitcodiac
• Petitcodiac electrofishing surveys to calculate juvenile densities
• Adult enumerations prior to annual adult releases
• Petitcodiac redd surveys
Project public engagement activities (outreach/ education)
• Community/ stakeholder iBoF Atlantic salmon restoration presentations
• Active ‘hands on’ public engagement/ involvement in salmon restoration
Contact: Tim Robinson ou Wendy Epworth, 506-379-3400, ou