Rebuilding stocks, monitoring and public engagement benefiting endangered IBOF Atlantic salmon restoration to…
Recipient: Fort Folly First Nation
New Brunswick
Eel River Atlantic salmon habitat recovery project 2018
Recipient: Eel River Bar First Nation
New Brunswick
Habitat and recolonization – Little Main Restigouche River.
Recipient: Conseil de gestion du bassin versant de la rivière Restigouche
New Brunswick
Assessing and Restoring Aquatic Connectivity in the Lower Nashwaak River
Recipient: Nashwaak Watershed Association Inc
New Brunswick
Bartholomew River Atlantic Salmon Management Plan: Development & Implementation
Recipient: Miramichi River Environmental Assessment Committee
New Brunswick
Closing Data and Restoration Gaps in the Kennebecasis
Recipient: Kennebecasis Watershed Restoration Committee
New Brunswick
Evaluation and strategic planning in the Grande Rivière Tracadie watershed
Recipient: Association des Bassins Versants de la Grande et Petite Rivière Tracadie
New Brunswick
Effects of striped bass predation on Atlantic salmon smolts in the Miramichi River,…
Recipient: University of New Brunswick (Linnansaari & Curry)
Scientific Advisory Committee
Assessing the impact of instream barriers and climate change on wild Atlantic salmon…
Recipient: Memorial University (van Zyll de Jong)
Scientific Advisory Committee