Projects Directory
Indian Bay Watershed Ecosystem Health Assessment: Benthic Biomonitoring, Water Quality and Salmon Stock Analysis
During this project IBEC will collect count data regarding adult Atlantic salmon returning to the watershed to spawn, evaluate the condition of the ecosystem using chemical and biological indictors as well as partake in community events and meetings to promote the conservation of Atlantic salmon and their habitat.
Cameras will be installed in the Indian Bay Brookto count upstream migrating fish. A temporary structure will be built to create a narrower channel to improve the accuracy of the count data. This information will be analyzed with historic data provided by DFO to determine the status of the Indian Bay Watershed’s Atlantic salmon population.
IBEC staff will also analyze water quality throughout the watershed using two sampling methods; benthic biomonitoring will be completed using CABIN and chemical data will be collected using the YSI water quality kit.
Contact: Stella Gale 709-522-3222,