Projects Directory
Eel River Bar Atlantic Salmon Habitat Recovery Project
Recipient: Eel River Bar First Nation
Approved Amount: $20 000
Year Approved: 2023
This project will continue to build upon implementing the 2010 and 2016 strategic and operational fisheries management plans for the Eel River drainage waters and Restigouche County.
The following management activities will be undertaken in 2023:
- Continue to increase salmon habitat by removing or breaching in-stream woody debris and beaver dam blockages.
- Undertake electrofishing surveys to determine juvenile densities and distribution throughout the Eel River catchment.
- Collect and transport brood stock to the Charlo Salmonoid Enhancement facility for subsequent egg stripping and incubation.
- Releasing fry from the fish friends program.
- Perform salmon redd surveys on index reaches for the four Eel River branches.
- Survey erosion sites and quality of riparian shoreline as well as tree planting.
- Host community information sessions.
Project Contact: Amanda Caplin –