Projects Directory

Development of Salmon and Salmon Habitat Conservation Plans within the Rocky River Watershed

Recipient: Salmon Association of Eastern Newfoundland
Approved Amount: $30,000
Year Approved: 2024

Description: The Salmon Association of Eastern Newfoundland (SAEN) will conduct a habitat survey of accessible tributaries and the main stem of Rocky River. The survey will document 1) barriers to anadromous salmon migration and describe measures to mitigate; 2) locations of serious bank erosion; 3) locations of habitat deterioration due to anthropogenic effects; 4) location of salmon holding pools and suitable spawning substrate. 5) In partnership with Curtis Pennell, DFO, place water temperature loggers in salmon habitat in various locations in the river system to determine if water temperature is a limiting factor in habitat utilization for juvenile salmon rearing and thus salmon production. DFO will provide training for the habitat surveys, provide temperature loggers and assist in analysis of temperature data.

With permit issuance by DFO, SAEN will determine the species composition and biological characteristics of fishes above and below obstructions that appear to be barriers to salmon passage, as well as species composition and biological characteristics of fishes in the vicinity of apparent degraded salmon habitat. Fish capture will be by electrofishing, angling and/or by using fyke nets. Identification of juvenile anadromous salmon, ouananiche and hybrids will require DNA analyses. This component will be done in partnership with Dr. Ian Fleming MUN and Dr. Ian Bradbury, DFO. Dr. Fleming will provide electrofishing gear, fyke nets, training and assistance with fish capture. The DNA analysis will be conducted by Dr. Bradbury (DFO).

Meetings will be held in Markland or Whitbourne and in Colinet to gain local knowledge of factors affecting anadromous salmon population, the locations of holding pools and spawning areas, barriers to salmon passage; and locations of habitat disturbances that may limit production. Participants will be asked for their views on causes for the decline of anadromous salmon populations as well as suggestions for conservation and restoration.