Projects Directory
Atlantic salmon conservation strategy – Tomogonops River
MREAC will prepare an Atlantic Salmon Conservation Strategy for Atlantic salmon on the Tomogonops River, tributary to the Northwest Miramichi River, N.B.
In addition to available data on the Tomogonops River, MREAC will complete additional temperature monitoring, two in-stream fish habitat assessments (one km each) and current land-use mapping. Project research will inform MREAC of other available data sets pertinent to the plan including that from the mining sector, historically having the most significant impact on the Tomogonops sub-watershed. Significant effort will be applied to current water temperature monitoring on the main branch and significant tributaries. Other habitat conditions for ongoing monitoring include pH which was once very problematic. Two electrofishing reaches will be revisited to assessed existing juvenile salmon (fry and parr) densities. During spawning, conditions allowing, a redd count will be conducted to assess spawning activity.
Harry Collins
506 778 8591