Projects Directory
Assessing Barriers (Lower) & restoring access (Upper) to Fish Passage in the Belleisle Watershed
The purpose of ‘Assessing Barriers to Fish Passage in the Lower Belleisle Watershed’ is to identify, assess and delineate barriers to fish passage in the lower Belleisle watershed. Specifically, the nature of this project is to identify and assess barriers to fish passage and add this information to a database of these barriers that will be used to prioritize future fish habitat restoration projects.
The specific objectives of this part of the project are to;
- Identify, assess and delineate the barriers to fish passage in the lower Belleisle watershed;
- Identify and engage the stakeholder(s) interested in mitigating barriers to fish passage and assisting in recovery of Atlantic Salmon an aquatic species at risk
- Add information to our database of watercourse crossings to prioritize restoration projects to facilitate fish passage through culverts assessed as barriers.
The purpose of ‘Restoring Access to Fish Habitat on Belleisle Creek and Tributaries’ is to restore access through culverts identified and assessed as barriers to fish passage on Belleisle Creek and it’s tributaries. Specifically, the nature of this project is to remove blockages in culverts assessed as barriers and restore open access to fish habitat for salmonids along Belleisle Creek and it’s tributaries.
The specific objectives of this part of the project are to;
- Remove blockages in culverts assessed as barriers and restore open access to fish habitat along Belleisle Creek and it’s tributaries;
- Identify and engage the stakeholder(s) interested in mitigating barriers to fish passage and assisting in recovery of Atlantic Salmon an aquatic species at risk; and,
- Conduct educational outreach to raise awareness of barriers to fish passage and Atlantic Salmon conservation and stewardship in the watershed.
Project Contact: Colin Forsythe –