Projects Directory
Assessing and Restoring Aquatic Connectivity in the Nashwaak Watershed
Description: This project builds on our successes over the last seven years in assessing and improving fish passage in the Nashwaak watershed. Our strategy for improving aquatic connectivity employs a comprehensive and collaborative approach. We reach out to local municipalities, federal and provincial departments for information regarding barriers that we have identified in our watershed. By utilizing open channels of communication, NWAI can educate and support these landowners to make informed decisions of how to improve connectivity in the Nashwaak watershed. This includes securing funding or providing resource support if appropriate. The main objectives of this project are to: Improve NWAI’s knowledge about the fragmentation of our watershed by surveying road-stream crossings; Identify and prioritize future fish passage projects; Increase the amount of upstream aquatic habitat available to Atlantic salmon; Maintain previously installed fish passage infrastructure; Decrease the risk of damage to public infrastructure; and Increase public awareness on the value of aquatic connectivity through conservation and restoration of salmon habitat.