Carrefour du saumon : Scientific Research
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Scientific research is a necessary undertaking for innovation and advancements in conservation practices to occur. This section contains links to noteworthy journals and a few example articles that demonstrate the type of information available in scientific research publications.
Use the search tool to find article abstracts related to specific terms and topics. Please note: Entire articles cannot be posted due to copyright regulations. Access to the full document can be found through the original publisher. Wherever possible, links to the publisher are provided.
Ensemencement d’alevins de saumon Atlantique (Salmo salar) dans les Rivières Romaine et Puyjalon Société saumon de la rivière romaine
Ensemencement d'alevins de saumon Atlantque (Salmo salar) dans les Rivières Romaine et Puyjalon
Michael Arsenault, Antóin M. O’Sullivan, Jae Ogilvie, Carole-Anne Gillis, Tommi Linnansaari & R. Allen Curry (2022) Remote sensing framework... Michael Arsenault, Antóin M. O’Sullivan, Jae Ogilvie, Carole-Anne Gillis, Tommi Linnansaari & R. Allen Curry
Abstract Fragmentation of stream networks from anthropogenic structures such as road culverts can affect the health of a catchment by negatively affecting the ecosystem’s biota, their movements, abundance, and species richness. We present...
O’Sullivan, A. M., Linnansaari, T., Leavitt, J., Samways, K. M., Kurylyk, B. L., & Curry, R. A. (2022). The... O'Sullivan, A. M., Linnansaari, T., Leavitt, J., Samways, K. M., Kurylyk, B. L., & Curry, R. A.
Abstract In recent decades, there has been an increase in conservation and restoration projects targeting Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar – AS), as populations in eastern Canada decline. Missing however, is an understanding of...
Furze, S.; O’Sullivan, A.M.; Allard, S.; Pronk, T.; Curry, R.A. A High-Resolution, Random Forest Approach to Mapping Depth-to-Bedrock across... Furze, S.; O’Sullivan, A.M.; Allard, S.; Pronk, T.; Curry, R.A.
Abstract: Regolith, or unconsolidated materials overlying bedrock, exists as an active zone for many geological, geomorphological, hydrological and ecological processes. This zone and its processes are foundational to wide-ranging human needs and activities...
O’Sullivan, A. M., Corey, E., Cunjak, R. A., Linnansaari, T., and Curry, R. A.. 2021. Salmonid thermal habitat contraction... O'Sullivan, A. M., Corey, E., Cunjak, R. A., Linnansaari, T., and Curry, R. A.
Abstract Broadening our understanding of river thermal variability is of paramount importance considering the role temperature plays in aquatic ecosystem health. At the catchment scale, spatial statistical river network models (SSN) are popular...
Sterling, S. M., MacLeod, S., Rotteveel, L., Hart, K., Clair, T. A., Halfyard, E. A., and O’Brien, N. L.:... Sterling, S. M., MacLeod, S., Rotteveel, L., Hart, K., Clair, T. A., Halfyard, E. A., and O'Brien, N. L.
Abstract Acid deposition released large amounts of aluminium into streams and lakes during the last century in northern Europe and eastern North America. Elevated aluminium concentrations caused major environmental concern due to aluminium's...
Michael Arsenault, Antóin M. O’Sullivan, Jae Ogilvie, Carole-Anne Gillis, Tommi Linnansaari & R. Allen Curry (2022) Remote sensing framework... Michael Arsenault, Antóin M. O’Sullivan, Jae Ogilvie, Carole-Anne Gillis, Tommi Linnansaari & R. Allen Curry
Abstract Fragmentation of stream networks from anthropogenic structures such as road culverts can affect the health of a catchment by negatively affecting the ecosystem’s biota, their movements, abundance, and species richness. We present...
Sterling, S. M., MacLeod, S., Rotteveel, L., Hart, K., Clair, T. A., Halfyard, E. A., and O’Brien, N. L.:... Sterling, S. M., MacLeod, S., Rotteveel, L., Hart, K., Clair, T. A., Halfyard, E. A., and O'Brien, N. L.
Disponible uniquement en anglais Abstract Acid deposition released large amounts of aluminium into streams and lakes during the last century in northern Europe and eastern North America. Elevated aluminium concentrations caused major environmental...
Purchase & Rooke (2020) Freezing ovarian fluid does not alter how it affects fish sperm swimming performance: creating a... Purchase & Rooke (2020)
Andrews. S.N., Hirtle, S.V., Linnansaari, T., and Curry, R.A. 2019. Consumption of Atlantic Salmon Smolt by Striped Bass: A... Andrews. S.N., Hirtle, S.V., Linnansaari, T., and Curry, R.A. 2019
Pardo, S.A., and J.A. Hutchings. 2020. Estimating marine survival of Atlantic salmon using an inverse matric approach. PLoS ONE... Pardo, S.A., and J.A. Hutchings. 2020
Bordeleau, X., Pardo, S.A., Chaput, G., Dempson, B., Robertson, M., Levy, A., Jones, R., Hutchings, J.A., Whoriskey, F.G., and... Bordeleau, X., Pardo, S.A., Chaput, G., Dempson, B., Robertson, M., Levy, A., Jones, R., Hutchings, J.A., Whoriskey, F.G., and G.T. Crossin. 2019