Carrefour du saumon : Ressources
Parcourez les articles ci-dessous ou
North Atlantic Salmon Conservation Organization (NASCO)
Salmon Five Point Approach: Restoring Salmon in England
NASCO: Report of the ICES Advisory Committee
BCAF’s Main River LaHave Sub-Watershed Fish Habitat Restoration Plan
Manual of River Restoration Techniques - the River Restoration Centre
NOAA’s Species in the Spotlight Priority Actions 2016-2020: Atlantic salmon
Presence of Atlantic salmon in Ungava Bay, Nunavik, in the Koksoak System by FaunENord
Brook trout passage performance through culverts
“Boosting salmon numbers: is stocking the answer or the problem?” conference videos
AST / IBIS Stocking Conference (Glasgow 2013) - 27 & 28 Nov. 2013
Nomads of the Tides: by Chris McCully and Ken Whelan
A Special Report on Wild Atlantic Salmon in Eastern Canada
Assessing the effectiveness of instream structures for restoring salmonid streams
Effectiveness of engineered in-stream structure mitigation measures to increase salmonid abundance
A systematic review to assess if engineered in-stream structures and woody debris increase abundance
WWF Canada’s Technical Protocol for the Freshwater Health Assessment
Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) an annotated bibliography - US Geological Survey
One species with two biologies: Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in the wild and in aquaculture
Atlantic salmon return and spawner estimates for Insular Newfoundland - DFO
Overview of the status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in the North Atlantic and trends in marine..
River-specific target spawning requirements for Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) based on a general…
The emerging role of climate in post-smolt growth of Atlantic salmon - Friedlanda et al.
Size variability of juvenile Atlantic salmon: links to environmental conditions - Swansburg et al.
The adaptive significance of variations in life history among local populations of Atlantic salmon..
The contribution of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) enhancement to a sustainable resource -J.Ritter
Marine Migration and Natural Mortality of North American Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar L.) - J.Ritter
The Atlantic Salmon Trust
Fishing Forum: Canada’s Online Fishing Community
Pacific Salmon Commission Technical Report Series
The River Spey
Scottish Salmon Sea-Ages from Length or Weight and Return-Date, Calculator
Galloway Fisheries Trust
UK Salmonid and freshwater fisheries statistics
Eden Rivers Trust
Association of Salmon Fishery Boards
New Brunswick Salmon Council
A conservation plan for Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and anadromous brown trout (Salmo trutta)
Why aren’t there more Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)?
Movement, migration, and smolting of Atlantic salmon (salmo salar)
Unama’ki Institute of Natural Resources
North Shore Micmac District Tribal Council
Mi’kmaw Conservation Group: The Confederacy of Mainland Mi’kmaq
Mi’kmaq Confederacy of Prince Edward Island (MCPEI)
Mi’kmaq Alsumk Mowimsikik Koqoey Assocation (MAMKA)
Maliseet Nation Conservation Council projects
Gespe'gewa'gi Institute of Natural Understanding (GINU)
The Mi’kmaq Maliseet Aboriginal Fisheries Management Association newsletters
Canadian Rivers Institute
Riparian Restoration Tool Box For Watershed Organizations - KWRC
BBC Nature - Atlantic salmon
Handbook for Developing Watershed Plans to Restore and Protect Our Waters
A Blueprint for Watershed Governance in British Columbia Rethinking our water ways - Fraser Basin Council
ARCTIC-YUKON-KUSKOKWIM Chinook salmon research action plan
Chinook Salmon Stock Assessment and Research Plan, 2013
COSEWIC Assessment and Status Report
Seawater adaptation and parr–smolt transformation of juvenile Atlantic salmon, salmo salar
NOAA: Fun Facts About Amazing Atlantic Salmon
Basic Facts About Salmon
Contribution to populations of trout and sea trout: One in a series of Knowledge Transfer Workshops
Managing Small Streams for Fish in a Changing Environment
Managing River Flows for Salmonids
Prince Edward Island Watershed Alliance
Atlantic Salmon Federation
Adopt-a-Stream (NSSA)
Clean Annapolis River Project
The application of electrofishing to produce a census estimates of juvenile salmonid populations
Ontario’s Methods for Monitoring Fish Populations
NB Aquatic Warehouse Manual - Ch8: Habitat Assessments: Streams
NB Aquatic Warehouse Manual - Ch7: Habitat Assessments: Lakes
NB Aquatic Warehouse Manual- Ch14 Fish Population Estimates: Streams
Qualitative Implementation and Effectiveness Monitoring of Fisheries Habitat
Final Recovery Plan for the Gulf of Maine Distinct Population Segment of Atlantic Salmon
Managing River Habitats for Fisheries - Scottish Environmental Protection Agency
Restoring Salmonid Aquatic/Riparian Habitat: A Strategic Plan for the Downeast Maine DPS Rivers
Restoration Guidance for West Coast salmon and Sea trout Fisheries
Restoration of a Riverine Salmon Habitat: A Guidance Manual by APEM Ltd.
“Bring Back the Salmon” - Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters
The State of the Salmon field protocols
Hydrological Processes
Fisheries Management and Ecology
North American Journal of Fisheries Management
Freshwater Biology
Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems
Journal of Fish Biology
Journal of Freshwater Ecology
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
Qualitative Implementation and Effectiveness Monitoring of Fisheries Habitat
The U.S. Army Engineer and Research and Development Center’s how-to guides in restoration
Genetic Status of Atlantic Salmon in Maine
USDA - Atlantic Salmon Genetics and Breeding Research with Atlantic Salmon of Maine Llc
Review of Potential Impacts of Atlantic Salmon Culture - Evolutionarily Significant Units
Energy use in spawning Atlantic salmon
Effects of lice infection on Atlantic salmon and brown trout
USGS - Atlantic Salmon factsheet
Atlantic Salmon in the inner Bay of Fundy
Life Cycle of the Atlantic Salmon
Count of Atlantic Salmon in Rivers (DFO)
MFFP - Saumon Atlantique
Saumon Québec
Saumon Atlantique - fiche d'information
L’histoire de notre saumon de l’Atlantique
Le Saumon Atlantique et la Truite de mer - fiche d'information
FOKUS Outdoor - FQSA, une change d'image
Fédération québécoise pour le saumon atlantique (FQSA)
La valeur du saumon atlantique sauvage du Québec
Cycle du Saumon Atlantique
Un programme de rétablissement du saumon atlantique obtient l'appui des gouvernements
Growth response of Atlantic salmon to changes in Northwest Atlantic Arctic and Subarctic conditions
Is Atlantic salmon production limited by number of territories?
Size variability of juvenile Atlantic salmon: links to environmental conditions
Salmon Egg Incubation using Jordan-Scotty Salmonid Egg Incubators by the Friends of the Kouchibouguacis
Atlantic Salmon: Changing Survival Patterns and Shifting Populations, Gerald Chaput (DFO)
St. Mary's River Association - Post Construction Report 2017
UNB: Atlantic salmon info
Bluenose Coastal Action Foundation: North Branch Plan 2016
PEI Atlantic Salmon Conservation Strategy 2009