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(English) Density-dependent growth of young-of-the-year Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) revisited. Ecology of Freshwater Fish. Volume 19, Issue 1. Pages... Imre I., Grant J.W.A., Cunjack R.A. (2010).
(English) Behaviour during elevated water temperatures: can physiology explain movement of juvenile Atlantic salmon to cool water? Journal of... Breau Cindy, Richard A. Cunjack, Peake Stephan J. (2011).
(English) Habitat selection by juvenile Atlantic salmon: the interaction between physical habitat and abundance. Journal of Fish Biology. Volume... Hedger R.D., Dodson J.J., Bergeron N.E., Caron F. (2005).
(English) Diet of Striped Bass (Morone saxatilis) and Muskellunge (Esox masquinongy) downstream of a large hydro-electric dam: A preliminary... Andrews. S., K. Zelman, T. Ellis, T. Linnansaari, R.A. Curry. 2018.
(English) Understanding summertime thermal refuge use by adult Atlantic salmon using remote sensing, river temperature monitoring, and acoustic telemetry.... Danielle M. Frechette, Stephen J. Dugdale, Julian J Dodson, Normand E Bergeron. 2018.
(English) Performance of instream Jordan‐Scotty salmon egg incubators under different installation and sedimentation conditions. North American Journal of Fisheries... C.F. Purchase, B. Palm‐Flawd and L. Charron. 2018.
(English) Genotyping by sequencing of genome-wide microsatellite loci reveals fine-scale harvest composition in a coastal Atlantic salmon fishery. Evolutionary... Bradbury IR, Wringe BF, Watson B, Paterson I, Horne J, Beiko R, Lehnert S J, Clément M, Anderson EC, Jeffery NW, Duffy S, Sylvester E, Robertson M and Bentzen P. 2018.
(English) Long-term response of salmonids populations to ecological restoration efforts in a forest boreal forest stream. Ecological Engineering. Volume... van Zyll de Jong, M. and Cowx, I. 2016
(English) Estimating consumption rate of Atlantic salmon smolts (Salmo salar) by striped bass (Morone saxatilis) in the Miramichi River... Jason Daniels, Gérald Chaput, and Jonathan Carr (2018)