
(English) River-specific target spawning requirements for Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) based on a general…
octobre 11, 2016 -
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(English) Overview of the status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in the North Atlantic and trends in marine..
octobre 11, 2016 -
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(English) Atlantic salmon return and spawner estimates for Insular Newfoundland – DFO
octobre 11, 2016 -
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(English) One species with two biologies: Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in the wild and in aquaculture
octobre 11, 2016 -
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(English) Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) an annotated bibliography – US Geological Survey
octobre 11, 2016 -
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(English) WWF Canada’s Technical Protocol for the Freshwater Health Assessment
octobre 11, 2016 -
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(English) A systematic review to assess if engineered in-stream structures and woody debris increase abundance
octobre 11, 2016 -
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