Atlantic salmon Management Plan for Midgell River PEI (EN)
avril 5, 2022 - Final Abegweit AS Management Plan Midgell 2019
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Results of 2021 coldwater temperature monitoring and recommendations for future coldwater habitat enhancement measures (EN)
avril 5, 2022 - Coldwater monitoring + recommendation for future coldwater enhancement work
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Cheticamp River Atlantic salmon Conservation Plan 2021 (EN)
avril 5, 2022 - Cheticamp River Atlantic salmon conservation plan CRSA 2021
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Aquatic Conservation Plan for Warm Brook, NL 2019
avril 5, 2022 - ASCF Warm Brook Conservation Plan NL-2019
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Mull River Habitat Restoration Plan (EN)
décembre 9, 2020 -
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Atlantic Salmon Management Plan for Midgell River, PEI (EN)
décembre 8, 2020 - Atlantic Salmon Management Plan for Midgell River, PEI
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Andrews. S.N., Hirtle, S.V., Linnansaari, T., and Curry, R.A. 2019. Consumption of Atlantic Salmon Smolt by Striped Bass: A Review of the Predator-Prey Encounter Literature and Implications for the Design of Effective Sampling Strategies. Fishes. 4(4): 50
juillet 30, 2020 -
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