Répertoire des projets
: Effets de la prédation par le bar d’Amérique sur les saumoneaux atlantiques dans la rivière Miramichi, au N.-B.
Bénéficaire : Université du Nouveau-Brunswick (Linnansaari & Curry)
Subvention approuvée : 26 2000 $ pour 2019 (2e année d’un projet de 2 ans, total : 59 003 $)
Année approuvée : 2019
Atlantic salmon stocks are declining in the Miramichi River, NB Although many factors are the suspected causes of this decline, the recovery of American bass populations in the river, coupled with the decline in Atlantic salmon population, is cited as the main threat to the Atlantic salmon population due to potential predator-prey interactions. Previous studies have examined the potential of such interactions; however, these studies have been delayed due to a lack of resources to thoroughly assess a potential impact in a way that is representative in time and space. Through collaboration,
Contact: Dr. Tommi Linnansaari, 506-458-7569, tommi.linnansaari@unb.ca