Our Volunteers

Jennifer MacDonald
Meet Jennifer MacDonald, a member of our Nova Scotia Advisory Committee
Meet Jennifer MacDonald, a member of the Nova Scotia Advisory Committee.
Born in Ontario, MacDonald’s family moved around a lot when she was younger, but she spent much of her childhood in Nova Scotia. She developed a keen interest in the environment and conservation issues and eventually obtained a master’s degree in environmental studies that led to her taking a position with DFO.
“I started working with the Species at Risk program at DFO in Ottawa, spent eight years there and then moved back to Halifax in 2016 and continued working with DFO,” said MacDonald. “Currently I’m a biologist in the integrated planning unit, primarily working on administration of DFO funding programs, particularly the Canada Nature Fund for Aquatic Species at Risk.”
Through that work, MacDonald became aware of the FCAS and when a DFO colleague’s term with the Foundation came to an end, it was suggested that she would be a suitable replacement.
“It was suggested that I could participate given my role in other funding programs, to bring that experience to the group. And there’s certainly an alignment between many groups and types of restoration project that receive funding through DFO that also apply for funding through the FCAS.”
As someone with a passionate interest in conservation and environmental issues, MacDonald is always impressed by the variety of projects that apply for FCAS funding. Projects aimed at education or public awareness and those working on habitat restoration efforts are both valid. And the passion on display by the applicant groups is always inspiring.
“What stands out to me is the number of proposals that we see and the scope of the work that they’re doing right across the province. It’s great to see all the amazing work that’s happening.”
MacDonald is thrilled to be involved with an organization that supports so many groups undertaking diverse efforts. And she is delighted to have met so many people with a shared interest in this important topic on the Nova Scotia Advisory Committee, even if she’s only been able to meet them once in person.
“I joined the group in late-2019 and with COVID-19, we’ve been meeting virtually. That’s something I look forward to in the future, hopefully getting to meet in person again or the opportunity to see a project that’s underway. I’m enjoying participating with the group and look forward to the opportunity to see more fantastic proposals.”