Salmon Hub: Search
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Ocean migration of pop-up satellite archival tagged Atlantic salmon from the Miramichi River in Canada, ICES Journal of Marine... John Fredrik Strøm, Eva B. Thorstad, Graham Chafe, Sigrunn H. Sørbye, David Righton, Audun H. Rikardsen, Jonathan Carr
Rock snot and lake mud: exploring the history of recent blooms of didymosphenia geminata using information contained in lake... Lavery, J.M., Kurek, J., Rühland, K.M., Gillis, C.A., Pisaric, M.F.J. and Smol, J.P. 2014
Exploring the environmental context of recent Didymosphenia geminata proliferation in Gaspésie, using paleolimnology. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic... Lavery, J.M., Kurek, J., Rühland, K.M., Gillis, C.A., and Smol, J.P. 2014.
Management challenges of Didymosphenia geminata. Diatom Research. 29 (3): 303-305. Leah C. Elwell, Carole-Anne Gillis, Lisa A. Kunza & Meg D. Modley (2014)
A preliminary assessment of the effects of Didymosphenia geminata nuisance growths on the structure and diversity of diatom assemblages... Gillis, C.A. and Lavoiea, I. 2014.
Changes in the Macrobenthic Community Structure Following the Introduction of the Invasive Algae Didymosphenia geminata in the Matapedia River... Gillis, C.A. and Chalifour, M. 2010.
Applied Research Request for Proposal
Request for Proposals for a wild Atlantic salmon Applied Research project. The Atlantic Salmon Conservation Foundation (ASCF) is seeking a suitable proponent organization, such as a community group, non-government organization (NGO), university or...
Bluenose Coastal Action Foundation: North Branch Plan 2016
UNB: Atlantic salmon information