Projects Directory
Supporting Salmonids in the Shediac Bay through Integrated Watershed Management Planning
Description: A data compilation project containing water quality data, electrofishing, eDNA results, restoration activities, culvert assessments and temperature data was compiled over the past three years. These results will be used to develop a comprehensive salmonid recovery strategy for the Shediac Bay watershed. The project will use historical data as a background to define goals, objectives, and strategies required for the sustainable recovery of our salmonid stocks. In addition to a restoration plan, the SBWA will continue to collect data to support the Integrated Watershed Management Plan for the Shediac Bay watershed (IWMP). The continuation of an e-DNA sampling project will collect data on salmonids in tributaries of the Scoudouc and Shediac rivers that are lacking data. Habitat restoration will focus on blocking one ATV crossing through the Calhoun Brook through the use of natural materials. Trees and shrubs will be planted on site to increase canopy cover over the long term and hay bale structures will be created to reduce sedimentation. Education will continue with a local school with the Adopt-A-River program. The SBWA will also create social media content. A partnership with Mi’gma we’l Tplu’taqnn Inc (MTI) will continue, to incorporate the values of conservation from Indigenous Nations into our projects, and contribute our data towards their initiatives in turn. The SBWA will continue water temperature monitoring using light pendant loggers. One new site will be added in 2024 for a total of eight sites.