Projects Directory
Souris & area Atlantic Habitat and Population Restoration Project. Year 2 of 3 year commitment
The purpose of this project is four-fold: Firstly, the creation of holding pools in the upper estuaries of the Class 1 rivers (except Priest Pond), which would be suitable for a potential catch and release Atlantic salmon fishery in late autumn. Secondly, to further enhance the habitat of our Class 1 Rivers to create more suitable spawning habitat. Thirdly, to enhance three of our four Class IV Rivers (Hay River, Cow River, Bear River), which are adjacent to North Lake, Cross River, and Naufrage River. Fourthly, the transfer of salmon parr from our Class 1 Rivers (except Priest Pond), to the Class IV Rivers. This transfer was recommended in Guignion’s Report, therefore we feel the potential for success is exceptionally high.
Contact: Fred Cheverie, 902-687-3436,