Projects Directory
River Restoration 2013
SRA will be undertaking a project to restore sections of two of the major tributaries to the Sackville River: Stoney Brook and Tomahawk Run. Stoney Brook is an urban stream that has experienced years of development-based impacts. As this stream represents impacted salmon spawning habitat, the SRA wishes to increase habitat, flow, and passage for salmon in order to support reducing numbers of salmon in the Sackville River. Aside from channel establishment, debris dam removal, and flow consolidation, SRA expects to install approximately 10 diggerlogs and/or rock sills in Stoney Brook. Although Tomahawk Run generally has not been impacted by development, it had been historically impacted by logging practices and has a high potential for restoration. SRA expects to install approximately 7 structures in Tomahawk Run, as well as some channel definition and flow consolidation in a 70-meter section of the Run.
Contact: Walter Regan, 902-865-9238,