Projects Directory
Association des Pêcheurs Sportifs de Saumons de la Rivière Rimouski: Rehabilitating and protecting Fosse de L’île spawning ground (pool 11) 2018
The spawning ground of Fosse de l’île is located in the town of Rimouski. It is located on a threshold and characterized by a meander and an island with an accumulation of rubble stones on the shore and on the threshold. In the 1990’s, exceptional qualities of this spawning ground remained intact, and did not undergo any significant change.
During the 2007 and 2008 exceptional floods, and the floods that followed, the generated current erosive force greatly altered this site. Extreme flooding conditions carry an immense quantity of sediments, because strong flows have a high erosive force and a very strong carrying energy. Since 2007, part of the west shore of the island and the spawning substrate accumulated on the structure were eroded and carried downstream.
The goal of the project is to ensure the sustainability of the spawning ground located at the Fosse de l’île, ensure the conservation and enhancement of salmon, an important issue in Québec. This project will restore the spawning ground to its 1990 condition.
Contact: René Gagnon, 418-722-6453,