Projects Directory
Post-dam removal monitoring and restoration of Campbell Creek
This project seeks to building on the successful removal of Campbell Creek Dam and restoration of fish passage to the creek in 2021. Tasks include: 1.Post-dam removal monitoring to evaluate and facilitate the success of the project. 2. Restoration and stabilization the banks of the creek, as needed. 3. Installation of heritage display for public outreach The Nashwaak River is a DFO priority target for the recovery of the Atlantic Salmon population. Campbell Creek Dam impeded fish passage to a high-quality cold-water tributary for over a century and one of the worst barriers to fish passage in the watershed. By removing the dam and restoring access to Campbell Creek, Atlantic salmon have been provided with a net gain of over 25 km of quality habitat. The revegetation of the stream banks will mitigate sedimentation of the creek and provide habitat for terrestrial species as well as shading the restored stream.
Marieka Chaplin
405 261 4664