Reproductive breaching of beaver dams and logjam dismantling
Recipient: Restigouche River Watershed Management Council Inc.
New Brunswick
Assessing Barriers (Lower) & restoring access (Upper) to Fish Passage in the Belleisle…
Recipient: Belleisle Watershed Coalition Inc.
New Brunswick
Letting Rivers Run Wild: Broad Range Monitoring of iBoF Atlantic Salmon
Recipient: Atlantic Coastal Action Program (ACAP) Saint John Inc.
New Brunswick
Development and implementation of a modelling tool to investigate how freshwater ecosystems (e.g.…
Recipient: INRS (St-Hilaire)
Scientific Advisory Committee
): Lower trophic level subsidies for juvenile Atlantic Salmon production: Can primary and…
Recipient: University of New Brunswick (Curry & Samways)
Scientific Advisory Committee
Designing, building and monitoring thermal refuges in an era of warming rivers
Recipient: Dalhousie University (Kurylyk)
Scientific Advisory Committee
Assessing and modeling within and among stream variability in insect drift availability of…
Recipient: Memorial University of Newfoundland and Labrador (Scott)
Scientific Advisory Committee
Climate change vulnerability assessment framework to support the conservation of Atlantic salmon in…
Recipient: University of New Brunswick Saint John (van Zyll de Jong)
Scientific Advisory Committee
Fish Friends Revival Continued
Recipient: Environment Resources Management Association
Newfoundland & Labrador