Restoration of Atlantic salmon habitat in Jacquet river and sub-watersheds (Phase 2)
Recipient: Bassins versants de la baie des Chaleurs
New Brunswick
Restoring ecosystem health and increasing progeny fitness through marine reared native adult Atlantic…
Recipient: University of New Brunswick (Samways)
New Brunswick
Thermal infrared remote sensing to identify critical thermal refuges in southern NB rivers.
Recipient: University of New Brunswick (Gray)
New Brunswick
Fall count of brood salmon – Restigouche River
Recipient: Conseil de Gestion du Bassin Versant de la rivière Restigouche
New Brunswick
Broken Brooks: Monitoring and Restoration activities in the Petitcodiac River Watershed
Recipient: Petitcodiac Watershed Alliance
New Brunswick
Evaluation and strategic planning in Petite rivière Tracadie watershed
Recipient: Association des Bassins Versants de la Grande et Petite Rivière Tracadie Inc
New Brunswick
Migration and survival of smolt, post-spawning (kelt) and adult Atlantic salmon in hydropower…
Recipient: University of New Brunswick (Linnansaari)
Scientific Advisory Committee
Building a water temperature monitoring network in Canadian Atlantic salmon rivers
Recipient: Institut national de la recherche scientifique (INRS)
Scientific Advisory Committee