Restoration of Atlantic salmon habitat in Jacquet River and tributaries.
Recipient: Chaleur Bay Watershed
New Brunswick
Evaluation and strategic planning in the Grande Rivière Tracadie watershed.
Recipient: Greater and Lower Tracadie River Watershed Association
New Brunswick
Identification of Ectoparasites infecting Outer Bay of Fundy Atlantic salmon.
Recipient: University of New Brunswick
New Brunswick
Patterns in the abundance and distribution of Atlantic salmon in Maritime Rivers.
Recipient: University of New Brunswick
New Brunswick
Restoring ecosystem health and increasing progeny fitness through marine reared native adult Atlantic…
Recipient: University of New Brunswick
New Brunswick
Décompte automnal de saumons reproducteurs – Rivière Restigouche
Recipient: Restigouche Rivers Watershed Management Council
New Brunswick
Migration and survival of smolt, post-spawning (kelt) and adult Atlantic salmon in hydropower…
Recipient: University of New Brunswick
Scientific Advisory Committee
Evaluation and strategic planning in the Grande Rivière Tracadie watershed.
Recipient: Association des Bassins Versants de la Grande et Petite Rivière Tracadie
New Brunswick
Eastern Kings Salmon Restoration Project. Enhancement project on the upper reaches of 4…
Recipient: Souris & Area Branch of the PEI Wildlife Federation
Prince Edward Island