Projects Directory
Northwest Brook revival
Northwest Brook is one of two major scheduled salmon rivers within our immediate area (Indian Bay River bring the other). Northwest Brook has not had any major restoration work or repairs since 2015, minus our work around weir alongside Route 320 and Bowater dam removal at the mouth of Northwest Pond. Approximately 8kms of the Brook leading to the Atlantic Ocean requires site exploration (over rocky terrain, small waterfalls, and areas only accessible by boat from the ocean side), where we expect repairs will be required to improve water flow (salmon migration upstream), removal of debris (trees, boulders restricting flow, potential manmade obstacles), install in-stream structures and repair previously installed in-stream structures (tree deflector, digger logs, rock walls, etc.). Once this work is completed, IBEC feels Northwest Brook would be free of issues for salmon migration, hence only requiring periodic checks.
Darren Sheppard
709 522 3222