Projects Directory
Letting rivers run wild: A survey of fish passage barriers, development of watershed conservation plans and restoration efforts in four inner Bay of Fundy (iBoF) Rivers
This project will develop conservation management plans for four iBoF rivers, to support reestablishment of wild, self-sustaining populations of iBoF Salmon. Stream surveys will include collecting data on fish presence/absence using electrofishing gear, fin clips to genetically identify iBoF Salmon, and eDNA analysis of lotic water samples. Physical assessments will include location and presence of barriers to iBoF Salmon passage to spawning grounds, water quality, channel cross sections, substrate and cover observations, and notes on areas in need of restoration. The development of these management plans will lead to prioritization of barrier removal and riparian improvements. Pre-remediation monitoring will be completed at sites where remediation is anticipated to occur in the future.
Contact: Graeme Stewart-Robertson, 506-652-2227,