Projects Directory

LaHave River Watershed Project 2019

Recipient: Bluenose Coastal Action Foundation
Approved Amount: $15,000
Year Approved: 2019

Coastal Action is proposing to conduct aquatic connectivity assessments in the North River Sub-watershed, where 76 stream crossings have been identified. This work will contribute to a growing database of fish passage and invasive species distribution in the LaHave River watershed.

Coastal Action is proposing to restore fish passage through a total of eight full-barrier culverts in the Main Branch and West Branch Sub-watersheds.

Coastal Action is proposing to conduct further fish habitat restoration work on Silver Mill Brook, in the Main River Sub-watershed. Work will include installation of digger logs and restoring fish passage through a degraded culvert.

Coastal Action is proposing to complete a feasibility study regarding a potential liming project in the West Branch Sub-watershed to combat acidification resulting from acid rock drainage.

Coastal Action is proposing to complete 2-3 riparian restoration projects in salmon bearing streams throughout the watershed.

Contact: Brooke Nodding/Sam Reeves, 902-634-9977,