Projects Directory
LaHave River Watershed Project 2016 – Main River Sub-watershed Aquatic Connectivity and In-Stream Restoration/North Branch Sub-watershed Aquatic Connectivity Assessment and Restoration
The proposed project will expand on the existing North Branch Sub-watershed Fish Habitat Restoration Plan (drafted in 2012) to include an assessment of aquatic connectivity. This work will complement habitat assessments and restoration projects completed in this sub-watershed in previous years. GIS analysis has identified approximately 152 stream crossings in this 445 km2 sub-watershed. Culvert assessments will be performed on these crossings to determine fish passage (bridges will be mapped but not assessed as they do not pose barriers to fish passage). Two high priority crossings, determined to be barriers to fish passage, will be identified and restored during the 2016 field season. This project also involves a fish habitat restoration project on Juniper Brook.
Contact: Brooke Nodding, 902 634-9977,