Projects Directory
Initial South River watershed planning and restoration including the installation of a novel temperature reduction device.
As a result of historic agriculture, housing, and industrial (forestry) development the South River has lower than expected salmon populations, elevated temperatures, a highly impacted riparian zone, an altered flow regime due to water retention infrastructure for a fish hatchery, and abnormal distribution and morphology of pools and riffles. The proposed project seeks to begin substantive restoration in the South River in Antigonish County by developing a watershed strategy outlining potential restorative measures, conducting traditional restoration actions on existing salmon bearing streams, developing novel restoration actions to mitigate temperature issues, and continuing education initiatives. The South River has been identified as a high priority for restoration by local community members and biologists due to its relative degradation, potential for improvement, and the current regional declines salmon stocks.
Contact: Kris Hunter, 902-863-5110,