Projects Directory

Improving Cold Water Refuge Habitat in Smith’s Creek Headwaters

Recipient: Kennebecasis Watershed Restoration Committee
Approved Amount: $20,000
Year Approved: 2016

This project will address recommendations made in a 2015 Smith’s Creek Headwaters Habitat Assessment.  Field work carried out in 2015 noted that a number of 1st and 2nd order streams in this area are spring fed and could provide refuge habitat for salmon parr and brook trout species.  To accomplish this the KWRC has broken the work up into three main components:

  1. Riparian Habitat Improvement – this work will consist of planting native trees and shrubs along degraded riparian habitats to provide shade and buffer stream temperatures over time, and reduce sediment and nutrient inputs into the stream.
  2. Instream Boulder Placement – this work will improve hydraulic function in the stream channels and offer a more complete aquatic habitat ecosystem
  3. Culvert and ford Enhancement – to improve habitat connectivity the KWRC will remove fish passage barriers in the form of perched culverts or low flow stream sections.

Contact: Ben Whalen, 506-433-4394,