Projects Directory
Geomorphic assessment and action planning in the upper Nashwaak River
he Nashwaak Watershed Association Inc. (NWAI) will develop a salmon habitat conservation plan for the upper reaches of the Nashwaak River based on the geomorphology of the river. A (phase 1 & 2) geomorphic assessment in the upper reaches of the Nashwaak River will be conducted according to standard practices under the guidance of a hired geomorphic consultant. In brief, different geomorphic sections of the river will be identified from aerial photographs, geospatial data, and river structures (i.e. stream width, geologic materials, etc.). Field crews will, then, measure of river conditions (i.e. water depth & width), evaluate the conditions of banks, locate structures that modify flow, and describe river habitat. Geomorphic processes and river habitat will be described from collected data. Results will: i) be communicated in infographics/maps; ii) inform a 3-year action plan to improve salmon habitat in the upper Nashwaak; and iii) contribute towards foundational understanding of the river.