Projects Directory

East River tributary remediation and Atlantic salmon monitoring initiative

Recipient: Mi’kmaw Conservation group
Approved Amount: $6,000
Year Approved: 2018

This project will improve Atlantic salmon and other trout species habitat; as well as provide collaborative monitoring for Atlantic salmon in the East River, Pictou. Restoration work will be done in partnership with the Pictou County Rivers Association (PCRA), locations and types of structures will be based off recommendations from PCRA’s watershed management plan for the East River.
The monitoring portion of this project will involve partnerships with PCRA, DFO Gulf, and Pictou Landing First Nation (PLFN) on a variety of monitoring initiatives. MCG will lead a pre and post spot check electrofishing survey at the habitat restoration sites, an adult salmon swim-through on the East river, and otolith analysis on PLFN collected Atlantic salmon.
Contact: Angeline Gillis, 902-895-6385,