Projects Directory

Development of an urban drainage area model by riparian municipality along a salmon river: Residential and municipal measures

Recipient: Organisme de bassin versant Matapédia Restigouche
Approved Amount: $25,000
Year Approved: 2016

An analysis of 7 urban areas adjacent to Matapédia River showed sediment plumes and deposits formed during spring break and heavy rains at storm drains outlets. This project consists in mitigating peak flows of urban drainage areas having a visible impact on Matapedia River for 3 municipalities. It will be done in two phases. The first which begins in 2016 aims to develop preliminary plans and specifications for municipal developments and to start residential developments. In addition, awareness, engagement and training of citizens, municipal employees and elected officials will be undertaken. A sedimentation and flow monitoring plan will be developed and reference data will be collected. In this first phase of the project, the OBVMR will work with 7 riparian communities of the Matapedia to develop preliminary plans and specifications of their model urban drainage area.

Contact: Mireille Chalifour, 418-756-6115 extension 7014,