Projects Directory

Corner Brook Fishway Revitalization

Recipient: Salmon Preservation Association for Waters of Newfoundland
Approved Amount: $17,500
Year Approved: 2024

Description: A pulp and paper company constructed a dam and fishway on Corner Brook Stream around 1970.As part of the dam construction a fishway was installed. The fishway is supplied with water that flows through a 5-foot culvert that is approximately 40 feet long.


The objective of the project is to revitalize the key components of the fishway. Salmon Preservation Association for Waters of Newfoundland (SPAWN) has had discussions with engineers about the removal and or opening of the culvert. As the culvert runs over the top and through the dam, this would require heavy equipment on the structure. SPAWN was advised this route would require extensive engineering work to see if it was possible. They will proceed as follows.

  1. SPAWN has manually and using a vacuum truck had limited success in removing debris, mud and sticks from the culvert. They will hire a local company with the appropriate equipment and experience to provide a water blasting truck and crew to water blast the debris from the downstream end of the culvert. The crew will then remove the material from the culvert.
  2. A newly designed grate and boom will be installed at the upstream end of the culvert in order to keep debris out of the culvert and prevent the problem from reoccurring.
  3. In consultation with DFO regarding design, SPAWN will reconstruct and simplify the trap opening and observation system.