Projects Directory
Continuation of habitat restoration on the Southwest Mabou River and tributaries 2021
ISAA’s project for the 2021 season is to continue the stream habitat restoration on the Southwest Mabou River and its tributaries. The over-widening of the river has caused a lack of riparian zone, bank erosion and little to no pools. ISAA will continue to mitigate those impacts by installing a series of structures such as deflectors, digger logs, rock sills, bank stabilization, and channel blockers. The structures will create habitat for spawning, rearing and adult fish, along with creating a more narrowed and meandering channel with deeper pools, while also providing migratory access throughout the watershed. This project will primarily benefit Atlantic salmon, speckled trout, rainbow trout and brown trout, all members of the salmonid family. The project is located in MacLeod’s Settlement, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia and will be carried out in two different watercourses in the upper part of the Mabou Harbour Watershed: The Southwest Mabou River, and an Unnamed Tributary that empties into the Southwest Mabou River.
Contact: David Cameron,