Projects Directory

Atlantic Salmon Smolt Research Miramichi 2021

Recipient: Miramichi Salmon Association
Approved Amount: $10,000
Year Approved: 2021

Adult Atlantic Salmon returns to the Miramichi River in 2019 were the lowest on record, according to DFO (Fisheries and Oceans Science Branch).  Understanding if smolt targets are being met for the Northwest Miramichi, which has had the poorest adult returns for decades, and the Dungarvon River, another critical research river, is important for determining if lack of smolt leaving the river is responsible for the reduced number of adults returning or if it is mortality of smolts migrating to the ocean and back. Smolt production in these rivers will be estimated to assess total smolt production from these tributaries. ASF (Atlantic Salmon Federation) will use smolts for an acoustic tracking study, in conjunction with the estimate, to determine the number of smolts leaving the estuary. DFO (Fisheries and Oceans Science Branch) will collect smolts to determine the effects of episodic acid and aluminum events on smolts. Smolts may also be provided to other organizations that have obtained a scientific collection permit from DFO. This research will be a collaboration between the MSA, Anqotum (an AAROM body through North Shore Micmac District Council), ASF and DFO (operators of adult estimate traps).

Robyn McCallum,