Projects Directory
Atlantic salmon population and habitat assessments for the Magaguadavic and Digdeguash Rivers
In partnership with Atlantic Salmon Federation (ASF) and the Magaguadavic River Salmon Recovery Group, Eastern Charlotte Waterways (ECW) will assess conditions in the Magaguadavic and Digdeguash river systems for stocking cage reared Atlantic salmon.
Those tributaries considered prime reproductive habitat for Atlantic salmon will be assessed using a systematic sampling method of line transects. The resultant data will be used in a comparative analysis with data collected by ASF in the 1990s to determine changes in the environments. The assessment will also include backpack electro-fishing surveys to estimate the abundance of Atlantic salmon and their predators. Smolt assessments will be conducted at the St. George Power dam to determine the abundance of fish migrating to the ocean. This data will be collected and shared with stakeholders working to bring Atlantic salmon back to the Magaguadavic, informing their efforts as they embark on a new strategy for stocking the river.
Contact: Donald Killorn, (506) 456-6001,