Projects Directory

Assessment of the importance of the Atlantic salmon in Petits Escoumins River

Recipient: Organisme des bassins versants de la Haute-Côte-Nord (OBVHCN)
Approved Amount: $5,000
Year Approved: 2013

The presence of Atlantic salmon fry and parr was documented in the Petits Escoumins River in 1978 as well as in 1983 by the Department of Recreation, Fish and Game. Thirty years later, l’Organisme des Bassins versants de la Haute-Côte-Nord (OBVHCN) will decide if the species still reproduces, will determine the importance of the species in the fish community and the sections of the watershed where it is present. The results of this study will become part of the water master plan of this watershed and will be used to develop a protection plan in all the watershed.

Contact: Yves Demers, 418-233-2323,