Projects Directory

Assessment of the importance of Laval River tributaries for Atlantic salmon

Recipient: Organisme des Bassins Versants de la Haute-Côte-Nord
Approved Amount: $21,075
Year Approved: 2019

The OBVHCN noted during the 2018 study that there was no barrier for salmon on one of Laval River tributaries, the Aux Pins River. Using topography, the OBVHCN focused on four other sub-basins representing a total of approximately 63 km of river that are potentially accessible. Those sections are not considered to be salmon rivers. The OVBHCN organized an electric fishing juvenile inventory to identify the portions of the watershed being used by Atlantic salmon. Validating the use of those sections for Atlantic salmon reproduction will ensure a greater protection of these areas and consequently a greater protection of the species.

During the planning stage, the OBVHCN will contact the Department of Forests, Wildlife and Parks to make sure the protocol is adequate and meets the department’s requirements.

Contact: Bruno Proulx, 418-233-2323,