Projects Directory
Assessing and improving stream bank health in the Kennebecasis watershed.
Following severe flooding in 2014 the KWRC has identified three areas that require further attention. This project will allow the KWRC to more fully assess the Deforest Reach on Trout Creek, the Berwick Reach on Millstream River, and the headwaters of Smith Creek. Following the assessment, the KWRC will engage land owners and provide prescriptions that will stabilize eroding stream banks and improve riparian and flood plain conditions. With land owner approval and proper permitting the KWRC will then work towards completing restoration and enhancement work on three sites, one from each reach. Various trees and shrubs will be planted along denuded flood plains and riparian areas and bank armoring using rip rap and/or geo-roll installation which will reduce sediment and nutrient transfer into the watershed.
Contact: Ben Whalen, 506-433-4394,