Projects Directory
Adurt Brook conservation and restoration project
Adurt Brook is a tributary of the Indian Bay River, which has long supported a healthy population of Atlantic salmon. This project protected Atlantic salmon spawning habitat that was being destroyed by frequent ATV crossings throughout this area. The replacement of the existing badly deteriorated bridge eliminated the problem. The new bridge was constructed from store-bought materials. Also, due to the condition of the bridge, collapse was imminent and would have created a complete barrier impeding the migration of Atlantic salmon upstream.
There were several other issues impacting salmon migration in this brook, including four significant sized beaver dams, woody debris accumulation, bankside erosion and a lack of pool-riffle habitat. Inactive dams and woody debris were removed. Planting of streamside vegetation and the installation of in-stream structures will assist with bank stabilization and creation of pool-riffle habitat.
Contact: Brittany Dalton, 709-522-3222,