Designing, building and monitoring thermal refuges in an era of warming rivers
July 27, 2023 - Thermally stable patches in rivers, known as thermal refuges, are used by cold-water species like Atlantic salmon to alleviate thermal stress in the summer and winter through behavioural thermoregulation. Some...
Antigonish Rivers Aquatic Restoration & Monitoring
July 26, 2023 - The goal of this project is to address the absence of high-quality spawning and juvenile rearing habitat found in James River, Antigonish county. Restoration sites have been selected as part...
Key restoration, planning, & education activities in the Cheticamp River watershed
July 26, 2023 - The CRSA’s proposed project involves instream restoration and planning work to improve fish passage, maintain benefits of previous instream work, and ultimately increase and enhance coldwater habitat. The project focuses...
Mull River Restoration Project
July 26, 2023 - For the 2023 season ISAA plans to continue the stream habitat restoration project on the Mull River. The project is taking place in the Mabou Harbour Watershed and will be...
Margaree River Watershed IN-STREAM restoration activity for 2023
July 26, 2023 - In 2023 we’ll hire our in-stream crew of four people as well as a coordinator to manage the in-stream crew and administrative aspects of our restoration work. Work will be...