Awareness of the importance of wild Atlantic salmon and its habitats: first scientific forum of the FQSA
June 1, 2022 - We want to hold the first FQSA scientific Forum with the interuniversity Alantic salmon research center (CIRSA), which will be take place in person and partially on the web. It...
National strategy for counting fence deployment on Quebec salmon rivers
June 1, 2022 - The second generation automatic IchtyoS meter developed by WSP is an efficient tool to count the number of salmon entering in the river in summer, therefore the number of spawners...
Minimize the impact of culverts on Atlantic salmon habitat
June 1, 2022 - The project objective is to complete the inventory of water crossings in salmon rivers watersheds in Quebec to evaluate their potential and known impacts on the fragmentation and the loss...
Developing a method to assess the hydromorphological sensitivity related to logging operations in the watersheds of salmon rivers in Gaspésie and Bas Saint-Laurent
June 1, 2022 - How do freshwater ecosystems (e.g. temperature, hydrology, biological interactions, land-use practices) influence wild Atlantic salmon populations? Development of an assessment of watercourses hydro-morphological sensitivity in relation to logging operations with...